Our Team

Mark Wheeler

Mark Wheeler


The soul, vision, and creation of our farm was by founder and former owner, Mark Wheeler. He established Pacific Botanicals in 1979 after healing himself using herbs. Mark was so inspired by his own journey that he started a small farm in southern Oregon to grow organic herbs. After 10 years he moved the farm to its present location in the heart of the Applegate Valley where he eventually expanded the farm to its present size of 140 acres.

Mark’s experience and expertise, developed over three decades in the herb business, has allowed Pacific Botanicals to become a leader in our industry. Mark has a simple but powerful vision: to help as many people as possible experience healing by providing them with the finest quality organic herbs available.

Dave Tetreault

Dave Tetreault


Dave spent the first 30+ years working in the high-tech industry designing semiconductors. However, he started hearing about Pacific Botanicals in 2007 when his spouse, Tara, began ordering fresh herbs for her tincture business. After work, he would walk across his Texas farm to his wife’s office and help garble beautiful botanicals. After finishing with the tech industry and moving to southern Oregon, he spotted an opening in the Quality Department late in 2018 and thought about how small the world can be. Dave loves it at PacBot because the people working here honor the environment, the plants, and each other. In his free time, he enjoys exercising, fishing, RV’ing across the amazing Pacific Northwest, and learning guitar.

Dave's favorite herb is Passionflower! He loves how it looks, it reminds him of something from outer space while still being great for your health!

Matt Dybala

Matt Dybala


Since earning a degree in Environmental Studies in 1998, Matt has dedicated his career to fostering a deeper connection between humans and plants. Over the past decade, he has cultivated a wide diversity of herbs and spices in Oregon. His commitment to biological soil-building, regional ecology, and organic principles compliments Pacific Botanicals’ ability to offer domestic-grown, quality herbs to every customer.

Nate Brennan


It’s Nate’s job to source the best botanicals from farms in the U.S. and around the world. In his role, he’s able to set up long-term working relationships with reliable vendors and enjoys making personal connections with our suppliers. He has a loving wife Lindsay, and two children, Nathan and Lilac.

Nate graduated from the University of Oregon with a degree in Environmental Studies. He credits much of his character to the Boy Scouts, where he achieved the highest ranking, Eagle Scout. Nate loves seeing live music and enjoys the plentiful outdoor activities here in Oregon.

Nate's favorite botanicals are Ashwagandha, Astragalus, Hibiscus, Ginger, Dandelion, and Tulsi Basil.

Dori Moran

Dori Moran


Dori began working for Pacific Botanicals in 1998 when she was drawn to the work being done at the farm. She started out working in the Greenhouses learning about the propagation of herbs. Through the years she has enjoyed learning many aspects of the business including seed harvesting, fresh herb coordinating, customer service, accounting, and quality assurance. Her current role as QC Manager allows her to be a part of the greater team in assuring quality herbs and quality processes for our customers.

One of the aspects that she has enjoyed most about her employment here at Pacific Botanicals is the people that she gets to work with, both co-workers and the wonderful customers that she has gotten to know through the years. Her favorite botanicals are Nettles, Sea Veggie Mix, Angelica, Baikal Skullcap, and Passionflower.

Laurie Gripp

Laurie Gripp


Laurie lives in the community of Applegate with her son-in-law and 3 children (2 adults and 1 tween). They have 4 dogs, 2 roosters, 9 hens, and a resident bear on her property. She enjoys baking, candy-making, and cooking with fresh herbs. She really enjoys being a part of the wonderful Pacific Botanicals team.

Laurie's favorite herb is Lemon Balm.

Dave Metzger

Dave Metzger


Dave has been with Pacific Botanicals for nine years and is responsible for all farm-related activities. His previous employment was also in the agricultural field.

Dave's favorite botanicals are Chamomile and Echinacea.

Bruce Fain

Bruce Fain


Bruce’s job is to keep things working and moving on the farm. As a former millwright, his work here is similar. His work includes engine and mechanical repairs, troubleshooting, fabricating and general maintenance. He is originally from near Coos Bay, Oregon. He grew up in a timber community working in logging and road construction. He came to Pacific Botanicals from there and has been with us for over 15 years.

Bruce’s favorite botanicals are Nettles for tea and cooking, and Linden flower for its aroma.

Pacific Botanicals Team

A sizeable portion of our mill and shop teams on a recent Farm walk: (L to R) Lorin, Kevin, Caleb, Erika, Bruce, Jeanine, Jordan, Joel, Cole, Matt D, Nate, Mat M, Dave T, Mike, Tara, Donovan and Bryce.